The next meeting of the Totah Amateur Radio Club will be on January 9th, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Please join us at Fire station #6, at the west end of Farmington.
3100 W. Main St. Farmington, NM 87401
All are welcome, see you there!
The next meeting of the Totah Amateur Radio Club will be on January 9th, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Please join us at Fire station #6, at the west end of Farmington.
3100 W. Main St. Farmington, NM 87401
All are welcome, see you there!
Totah Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
14 November, 2019
Club Officers
President Donnie K6QQT
Vice President Bill KK5ZH
Secretary Scott KG5VBX
Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ
Dave K5AVO 2yrs remaining
Paull NM5PH 1yrs remaining
Paul KE5FBN 3yrs remaining
NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS December 12th, 2019 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)
Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).
The meeting was called to order by Donnie KJ5GQ, at 7:30 pm.
There were 9 attendees.
Treasurer’s Report
TheTreasurer’s report for was read by Donnie.
December, 2018
Beginning Balance $3010.95
Donation from estate of WA5UAU $ 200.00
Interest $ 0.03
Ending Balance $ 3210.98
Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Bill KK5ZH, Seconded by Jess W5AJP, Motion Passed.
Secretary’s Report
Motion made by Tom N0MKC to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Sturge WA5K, Motion Passed.
Old Business:
New Business
Barbra Bowman has a pair of drake twins and Misc homebrew items which were Floyd’s (W5OXK) to sell. Please contact her if you are interested!
Motion to adjourn made by Devin KD5NMX and Seconded by Jess W5AJP. Vote was unanimously passed and meeting adjourned at 7:48pm.