TARC Meeting Minutes for October 10, 2019

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

10 October, 2019

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Dave K5AVO 2yrs remaining

Paull NM5PH 1yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 3yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS November 14th, 2019 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 19:32.

There were 10 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for August was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

August, 2018

Beginning Balance $ 3180.90


Interest $ 0.02


Corporation Dues $ 10.00

Ending Balance $3170.92

Original report was Amended from Paying Donnie for the park to paying Scott for Corporation Dues

The Treasurer’s report for September was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

September, 2018

Beginning Balance $3170.92


Dues $ 40.00

Interest $ 00.03


San Juan Connection Donation $ 200

Ending Balance $3010.95

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Bill KK5ZH, Seconded by Paull NM5PH, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

There was a mistake in last month’s meeting minutes. – 11:00 am for opening rather than the time it normally would have happened.

Motion made by Bill KK5ZH to accept the minutes as amended, Seconded by Bobbie N5XDQ, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

  • Road Apple Rally – Many club members participated in the Road Apple Rally. Devin KD5NMX was in charge and filled all positions with volunteers. We even had 2 more than the usual count participating. The management of the Road Apple Rally said that they would like to have us back next year. Everything went very smoothly. Thanks to all of those who participated!

New Business

  • Christmas party – The Christmas Party will not happen this year.
  • New Year’s Potluck – The New Year’s Potluck this year will be January 4th at the Walkers’ place from 9am – 1pm. Before planning or preparing your contribution to this potluck please contact Sarah Walker KB5SPX. Sarah will take calls and coordinate dishes to ensure a balanced selection of foods and refreshments.
  • Keith Miller Radio Equipment When Keith became a Silent Key he generously left some of his Radio Equipment with the club. Paull NM5PH did research online and priced the equipment according to its value on the current market. An email will be sent out for any equipment which does not sell by the time everyone actually leaves the meeting.
    • An email will be sent to club members. Then 2 weeks later, if it has not sold then an email will be sent to the Durango Amateur Radio Club so that they will get a chance to buy it. If any radio hasn’t sold by next meeting (Nov 14th) then it will be listed for sale online.

Bill KK5ZH, proposed that the meeting adjourn and Paul KE5FBN seconded. A vote was unanimous and the meeting adjourned at 20:06

TARC Meeting Minutes for September 7, 2019

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

September 7th, 2019

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Dave K5AVO 2yrs remaining

Paull NM5PH 1yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 3yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS October 10, 2019 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Donnie KJ5GQ, at 19:30.

There were about 14 attendees. Exact count not possible because secretary forgot to pass around sign in sheet.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was that Bobbie N5XDQ is waiting on the Bank Statement at the time of the meeting so there is no Treasurer’s report yet.

Secretary’s Report

Motion made by Paul KE5FBN to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Sarah KB5SPX, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

  • Road Apple Rally – Road Apple Rally will be on October 5th.

New Business

  • Christmas Party – We are unsure if a Christmas Party will be feasible this year. We will discuss this more in October.
  • Potluck – At this potluck there were too many sweets and not enough main dishes. At future potlucks it might be better to coordinate via a sign-up sheet or something.
  • New Year’s Potluck – The New Year’s Celebration will be January 4th 9AM-1PM at Donnie’s and that will be a great time for members to pay the annual club does.
  • Repeater Donation – Ben Mc Gaha KB5ITS constantly maintains and improves an excellent and popular repeater system in our region which most of us use. It was proposed that we make a donation of $200 to help him out with costs. Motion was made by Pat KG5ZL and was seconded by Sarah KB5SPX. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion to close the meeting was made by Bobbie N5XDQ and was seconded by Pay KG5ZL, Motion passed and meeting ended at 11:51