Totah Amateur Radio Club
February 8, 2018
Club Officers
President- Dave K5AVO
Vice President- Bill KK5ZH
Secretary- Devin KD5NMX
Treasurer- Bobbie N5XDQ
Paul KE5FBN-Term ending Dec. 2018
Paull NM5PH-Term ending Dec. 2019
Ryan KG5RGN-Term ending Dec. 2020
Meeting Minutes
I. Totah Amateur Radio Club Meeting for February was called to order by Dave K5AVO, at 19:30.
There were 12 in attendance.
II. Reports:
a.Treasurer’s Report
Bobbie N5XDQ reports as follows:
Beginning balance $2,949.41
Expenses paid $00.00
Interest accrued $00.02
Income $240.00 (16 dues paid)
Ending balance $3,189.43.
Paull NM5PH moved to accept the report, seconded by Bill KK5ZH. Motion approved unanimously in a vote of acclimation.
b. Secretary’s Report
Minutes for January posted to and emailed to members.
Don KJ5GQ moved to accept January’s Minutes as posted, seconded by Doug NQ5G. Motion approved unanimously in a vote of acclimation.
III. Old Business
a. January Test session- Doug NQ5G reports good session. 2 extras, 4 generals, 5 techs, all tested AND passed!
b. Term expiration for trustees was confirmed, updated at top of this page.
c. Doug NQ5G’s net on Friday is still available for new net controller.
IV. New Business
a.New Road Cleanup Coordinator- Need someone to organize the cleanup of the TARC stretch of road, twice a year. Accepting volunteers.
b. Constitution and bylaws updates- Time for a review. Current constitution and bylaws will be attached to meeting minutes to be reviewed for any changes needed. Present possible changes to trustees.
c. Upcoming ham license testing dates–Durango April 24, Pagosa possibly June, TARC fall.
IV. Adjournment- Bill KK5ZH moved for adjournment, seconded by Lee KE5MDP at 19:55.
- Betty KB5RUA has a club vest up for grabs.
- Join us for an informal breakfast gathering at Los Hermanitos Restaurant East in the Middle Fork Square on East Main St. at 7:30 am on Saturdays. Anyone interested in Ham Radio is welcome!
- The Totah Amateur Radio Repeater Association (TARPA) is in the process of setting up a repeater. Currently the repeater is not in operation and looking for a new home.
- NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS March 8, 2018 at Fire Station #6 at 19:30 (7:30pm) on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of West Main Street.
Minutes faithfully submitted by Devin KD5NMX, Secretary, Totah Amateur Radio Club.