Meeting Minutes for 12-08-2022

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes for 12-09-2022

Club officers:

  • President: Donnie K6QQT
  • Vice President: Bill KK5ZH
  • Secretary: Scott K8OIP
  • Treasurer (Acting): Scott K8OIP


  • Sterge Katirgis WA5K 3yrs remaining
  • Paull Holmes NM5PH 2yrs remaining
  • Allen Prince KG5LFI 1yrs remaining

The meeting was brought to order at 07:04 PM by Donnie There were 11 attendees

Treasure’s Report

November 2022

Starting Balance:$3728.12
Ending Balance$3728.20

Old Business:

  • Insurance – Donnie K6QQT gave the insurance policy information to Jack KD1PE so that Jack can read through it and present a summary at an upcoming meeting so that the club is better informed as to the actual value of the current insurance policy
  • New Year’s Brunch – You are invited to the Walkers’ house for the annual New Year’s Brunch! Bring a dish and tell or listen to some stories.
    • Crock Pots are okay
    • Drinks: Coffee (and possibly OJ) will be served. Other drinks will be up to you to bring if you craving something different.
    • When: Saturday, January 7th, 2023 – 9AM to 2PM
    • Where: The Walker’s house 2611 Knudsen Ave. Farmington NM
    • Pot Luck style, bring something to share, but please refrain form bringing too many sweets, or check with Sarah first
  • Club Dues – The club dues are due in January. The best times to pay are either at the New Year’s brunch or at the January meeting.
  • First year membership fees for new hams – During the last meeting it was suggested that dues for the first year of membership should be waved for new hams who pass their tests to obtain their licenses with us. The motion was made by Allen KG5LFI to make the change and seconded by Jim KI5OUZ. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Testing – There will be a Ham testing session happening on January 14th 2023 at the Sycamore Center – Please Contact Donnie for more information
  • Newsletter – Jack KD1PE has started sending the newsletter. Anyone who wishes not to receive the email from Jack can easily reply to unsubscribe
    • Call for Topic Suggestions – Jack will be looking for a list of suggestions for interesting topics. Please send along any topics you may wish to hear about to Jack KD1PE.

New Business:

  • Update on Dave Jordan – Bobbie received a letter from Karen about Dave K5AVO. He is still under her care and mostly stuck at home, but was able to make it out to see his daughter get married.
  • Contact List – Jack will send out a contact List so that members will be able to call each other
  • Election of officers – Election of officers was held this meeting and many long standing positions will be changed for 2023.
    • A special thanks is in order to Bill KK5ZH who held the Vice President position for many years and to Donnie K6QQT who held the president position for several years as well to save the club.
    • All positions were voted on and decided unanimously. The new positions are below:
      • President: Shane KI5TOZ
      • Vice President: Allen KG5LFI
      • Secretary: Jack KD1PE
      • Treasurer: Scott K8OIP
      • New Trustee: Sarah KB5SPX
  • Change to Dues Structure – A few suggestions were bounced around for what to do with the membership fees structure. It was suggested by Jack that we change the current structure to be $20 per individual or $25 per family with that discounted rate applying to immediate family only.
  • Club presentations – Jack has volunteered to make a presentation next month on NVIS. Make sure to come down and see.
    • If you have an idea for a presentation to give then please feel free to let Jack know about it.
  • Club Audit – An audit of the club finances will be conducted at Artifacts on January 4th at 1PM


  • Interesting local nets – On Saturday morning there is a local Digital net on 7120khz. They use technologies such as flamp, mfsk, and mt63. It may be worth checking out to anyone who is at their radios during that time.
  • ARRL membership allows the club to keep insurance and also allows access to QST, which is an excellent magazine with many excellent articles as well as other perks

Motion to adjourn was made by Bobbie N5XDQ and Bill KK5ZH and a unanimous vote was taken and the meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM