Meeting Minutes For January 2020 – November 2021

The Totah Amateur Radio Club Website has undergone a migration and during the migration the posts form January 2020 on were wiped out. Below are the minutes for all of the meetings.

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

January, 2020

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Dave K5AVO 1yrs remaining

Paull NM5PH 3yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 2yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS 13 February, 2020 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 19:33.

There were 7 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

December, 2019

Beginning Balance $3211


Donation from estate of W5UAU $ 100

Interest $ .03


Insurance $320

Ending Balance $ 2991.03

Fiscal Year, 2019

Beginning Balance $2834.71


Donation from estate of W5UAU $300.00

Dues (28 Members) $ 560.00

Interest $ .32


Operating Expense $504

Donation $200

Ending Balance $ 2991.03

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Bill KK5ZH, Seconded by Paull NM5PH, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

Minutes were eventually posted via email and Devin KD5NMX was kind enough to post them to the website last minute even though they should have been put out sooner.

Motion made by Bill KK5ZH to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Tom N0MKC, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

  • Equipment Thanks to Paull NM5PH we now have inventory on record of what we own.
  • Dues Bobbie has collected dues based upon the $20 amount discussed earlier. Vote was made to determine if dues should remain at $20 Paull NM5PH Motioned, Bill KK5ZH seconded, and motion to stay at $20 passed unanimously.

New Business

  • Audit 2 of 3 trustees did not attend meeting, 2 volunteered to Donnie K6QQT and were approved. Audit letter was read by Paull NM5PH and Records were in good order. Motion to accept was made by Bill KK5ZH and seconded by Tom N0MKC
  • Club picnic A motion to set date for our club picnic as Sept 12th was made by Sarah KB5SPX and seconded by Tom N0MKC, Motion passed, Donnie will need to get the park reservation arranged.
  • Ham test A ham test will talk next month for the Colorado club.
  • Application was turned in for Barry Adams. Next month there will be a vote to let him in.

Motion to adjourn made by Bill KK5ZH and seconded by Paull NM5PH and was passed at 19:58.

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

13 February, 2020

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Dave K5AVO 1yrs remaining

Paull NM5PH 3yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 2yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS 12 March, 2019. At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 19:30.

There were 8 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

January, 2020

Beginning Balance $2991.03


Dues $300

Interest $.03



Ending Balance $3291.06

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Paull NM5PH, Seconded by Bill KK5ZH, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

Motion made by Bill KK5ZH to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Bobbie N5XDQ, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

  • New Club Applicant There was a new applicant Barry Adams who Bill KK5ZH motioned should be accepted into the club and Sturge WA5K seconded, Motion passed

New Business

  • Radios The club has 2 Radios we knew of, one of them bing an Icom 735 radio. A letter was read from technician stating that USB crystal is defective. The technician, Paull NM5PH, offered to purchase the radio and repair it at his own expense if the club decided not to attempt a repair requiring a difficult to find crystal. Bill KK5ZH motioned and Sturge WA5K seconded the motion to sell the radio to Paull NM5PH. Paull NM5PH abstained from the vote in order to prevent a conflict of interest. The motion passed and the radio was sold. The club still has one radio.
  • Picnic Donnie needs to get park, and schedule next test
  • Upcoming events We will possibly help with Ron’s equipment at some point if his family calls on us. Ron’s son Tom may come to breakfast at some point.
  • Floyd’s wife will be having estate sale. No known date. Sold items will need to be present in the sale though.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bill KK5ZH and seconded by Sturge WA5K and meeting ended at 19:58

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2021

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Paull Holmes NM5PH 3yrs remaining

Allen Prince KG5LFI 2yrs remaining

Fred Rossman KI5OVA 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS Saturday September 11, 2019 At the Upper Rio Vista Park at the north end of Huntzinger in Farmington, NM.

Meetings are normally held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months.

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 19:32.

There were 10 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for last month was not read by Bobbie N5XDQ this time.

Secretary’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for last month was not read by Scott K8OIP this time.

Old Business

  • Issue from the zoom meeting in may:
    • We seem to have gotten the Trustees’ terms mixed up from last year Please note the terms above and let us know if anyone thinks this is not correct
  • Club Officers:
    • It was stated that the club officers have all agreed to stay on until the end of the year. After that at least one, Bobbie N5XDQ will need to step down for personal reasons.
  • Dues:
    • The dues for this year remain at $10
  • 2020 Audit:
    • Paull NM5PH reported that the audit was performed by the 3 designated trustees and all items were in order. The paperwork from the audit was accepted by the secretary.
  • Club Insurance:
    • The reason the club had insurance was for liability purposes for activities which club members no longer partake in
      • Paull NM5PH stated that These activities once included climbing towers, which would have made Insurance a very reasonable choice
    • It was stated that, for reference, last year’s insurance was $323.20
    • One member thought it could be possible that some club insurance might be required in order to be an ARRL affiliated club so more research will be done to see if that is the case before a vote happens at the next meeting in September..

New Business

  • Potluck/Tailgate September 11th:
    • A vote was held and it was unanimous
    • On Saturday, September 11th between 10 AM to 2PM at Upper Rio Vista Park the club will hold a Potluck/Tailgate
    • Bring any excess items you wish to sell and cash just in case you find something that you can’t live without
  • Road Apple Rally:
    • First weekend in October (This year that falls on the 2nd) We will confirm this with Devin KD5NMX soon.
    • Someone heard that it might be a 2 day deal this year, so we need to see if we are still only needed the one day
    • Contact Devin KD5NMX for more info or to volunteer
  • Highway Pickup:
    • The Highway pickup has been postponed long enough due to the pandemic. We will make an attempt to do it on October the 9th
    • Contact Scott K8OIP to volunteer or for more information
  • Ham Testing:
    • Donnie K6QQT stated that we have a tentative testing date of September 18th. If you know anyone who would like to become a ham or upgrade their license then please contact Donnie K6QQT for more info.
  • New Member:
    • Jim KI5OUZ was unanimously voted in as the newest member of the club.
  • Future Meetings:
    • The next meeting will be at the September 11th Potluck in Upper Rio Vista Park. Future meetings after may be held in the Fire Station once again after they are done with a remodel they are currently undergoing.
  • Motion to Adjourn – Made by Tom N0MKC and seconded by Bobbie
    • Meeting Closed at 20:09

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2021

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Paull Holmes NM5PH 3yrs remaining

Allen Prince KG5LFI 2yrs remaining

Fred Rossman KI5OVA 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS Thursday October 14th at 7:30pm at Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

Meetings are normally held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months.

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 10:20.

There were 14 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

There was no bank statement for this month yet as of the time of the meeting for June.

Motion to approve made by Darryl KE0PX and seconded by Sarah KB5SPX. Unanimously approved.

Secretary’s Report

The Secretary’s report was given by Scott K8OIP. Last month’s minutes were posted online and emailed. Motion to approve made by Bobbie N5XDQ and seconded by Sarah KB5SPX and unanimously approved.

Old Business

  • Club Insurance:
    • ARRL affiliation was updated
    • Insurance is available through ARRL
    • Most clubs, coverage is about $200
    • Donnie thinks this price sounds reasonable
    • It covers: comprehensive injury, gathering, concessions etc, all club events. Pays legal defense costs. Up to $2M per year. No deductibles.
    • Probably needed for meeting places
    • Percentage requirement of ARRLmembers -Darryl asked
    • We need to research what percentage of members are ARRL in the club and to find if we have that percentage
    • It would be good to ask around (Kaiser and others…)
    • Donnie will be gone the 21st, will not have time
  • Road Apple Rally:
    • First weekend in October (This year that falls on the 2nd)
    • Someone heard that it might be a 2 day deal this year, so we need to see if we are still only needed the one day
    • Contact Devin KD5NMX for more info or to volunteer
  • Highway Pickup:
    • The Highway pickup has been postponed long enough due to the pandemic. We will make an attempt to do it on October the 9th At 9am
    • Contact Scott K8OIP to volunteer or for more information
  • Ham Testing:
    • Donnie K6QQT stated that we have a tentative testing date of October 18th. If you know anyone who would like to become a ham or upgrade their license then please contact Donnie K6QQT for more info.

New Business

  • Motion to Adjourn – Made by Bill KK5ZH and seconded by Darryl KE0PX
    • Meeting Closed at 11:40

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2021

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Paull Holmes NM5PH 3yrs remaining

Allen Prince KG5LFI 2yrs remaining

Fred Rossman KI5OVA 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS Thursday November 11th at 7:30pm at Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

Meetings are normally held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months.

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 19:33.

There were 8 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

There werer 2 bank statement for this month . Read by Bobbie N5XDQ

Most recent Treasurer’s Report:

September, 2021:

Begenning Balance: $3659.63

Interest: +$0.03

7 Dues Paid: +$30.00

Ending Balance: $3689.66

Motion to approve made by Paull NM5PH and seconded by Bill KK5ZH

Secretary’s Report

The Secretary’s report was given by Scott K8OIP. Last month’s minutes were posted online and emailed. Motion to approve made by and seconded by and unanimously approved.

Old Business

  • Club Insurance:
    • Was arrl(200) vs mercer(323) vs kysar (Can’t Match the current price)
    • About 13/24 members are ARRL, not sure if we are 50% (We probably are)
  • Bill, sturge 2nd Passed unananimously, Don will look into it and will pay with the new debit card
  • Road Apple Rally:
    • Went off as well as usual. We didn’t do anything avluable with communications, but they like to have us there for more assistance. The cell phones are just as useful as radios.
  • Highway Pickup:
    • Thanks to Sturge, Glenn, Bobbi, and Scott we were able to beautify 1 mile of La Plata Highway by removing 8 bags of trash from the freeway
  • Ham Testing:
    • There should be a HAM Testing on December 11th

New Business

  • Elections in December:
  • Motion to Adjourn – Made by Bill KK5ZH and seconded by Bobbie N5XDQ
    • Meeting Closed at 19:54

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2021

Club Officers

President Donnie K6QQT

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott K8OIP

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Paull Holmes NM5PH 3yrs remaining

Allen Prince KG5LFI 2yrs remaining

Fred Rossman KI5OVA 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS Thursday December 9th at 7:30pm at Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

Meetings are normally held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months.

The meeting was called to order by Donnie K6QQT, at 7:38PM.

There were 5 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurer’s report was read by Bobbie N5XDQ

The September report was corrected with all monitary amounts remining the same and the number of dues being paid being changed to 3

September, 2021:

Begenning Balance: $ 3659.63

Interest: +$ .03

3 Dues Paid: +$ 30.00

Ending Balance: $ 3689.66

October, 2021:

Begenning Balance: $ 3689.66

Interest: +$ .03

Ending Balance: $ 3689.69

Motion to approve made by Thomas KG7KQP and seconded by Sarah KB5SPX

Old Business

  • Club Insurance:
    • Don K6QQT has gotten the club signed up for the new insurace and it is now in effect
  • Ham Testing:
    • There should be a HAM Testing on December 11th, Don does not know yet where it will be though. Keep an eye on the website for updates

New Business

  • Elections – Elections are coming in December:
    • At least 1 trustee and the Treasurer will need to be replaced
  • Website – The website is up for renewal and there was much support from club members to move it so it will not burden a former club member so a vote was taken to make it official
    • Thomas moved to move the website and sarah seconeded and it was approved.
  • Holiday brunches cancelled – We will not doing a Christmas or New Year Brunch this year due to Covid

Motion to Adjourn – A motion to adjourn was made by Thomas KG7KQP and seconded by Sarah KB5SPX and the Meeting Closed at 7:54PM