Good evening everyone!
It’s that time already. Meeting time club officer election time as well. Our next meeting is this Thursday. We’ll hope to see many of you there! The meeting minutes from last time are both attached in PDF format and pasted below.
Totah Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2018
Club Officers
President Dave K5AVO
Vice President Bill KK5ZH
Secretary Scott KG5VBX
Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ
Ryan KG5RGN 3yrs remaining
Paul NM5PH 2yrs remaining
Paul KE5FBN 1yrs remaining
NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS December 13, 2018 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)
Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).
The meeting was called to order by Dave K5AVO, at 19:30.
There were 9 attendees.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.
October, 2018
Beginning Balance $3154.64
Interest $0.02
Ending Balance $3154.66
Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Bill Seconded by Paull, Motion Passed.
Secretary’s Report
Motion made by Dave to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Bill, Motion Passed.
Old Business:
- Road Cleanup – 10 bags were collected. Thanks for all those who helped out!
- Subject 1 – Devin is back in town, welcome back!
- Christmas Party– Dave is unable to host. Anyone who is able is welcome to take that over. We might cancel, but Devin might offer to host if he can. He will check on that and the date.
- Road Apple Rally– Went Well without problems. Paull stated that we had no function being at the event. The event staff already knew all information before we relayed. The event staff had county radios and cell phones. The county had a dispatcher in the command center. We used to do many events, but since cellphones have become popular we are doing fewer.
New Business
- New years brunch – Jan 5th at the Walkers’
- Election of Officers – Dave will not be volunteering to be president and Bobbie is offering her job to anyone who wants it. Voting.
- We would like to encourage our new members to vote and/or volunteer for offices.
- Insurance – Insurance needed to be paid. Devon motioned to pay it and Donnie Seconded. The motion passed.
- Testing – We don’t know when the next testing session and Donnie hasn’t been able to get a hold of the club in Durango December 8th 1pm in Durango @ Christ the King Lutheran Church.
Motion to adjourn made by Bill and seconded by Devin, motion passed at 7:59pm