The Totah Amature Radio Club had a good meeting this month in Farmington. Please see the minutes in the link below if you would like to know more. We hope that everyone is doing well and that we will see many of you at the meeting this Thursday!
TARC Meeting Minutes for May 10, 2018
Hello Everyone! We had a good meeting this month. Don’t forget to mark your calendars with these events:
- On June 2nd there will be a get together/tailgate on the patio at the fairgrounds in Durango.
- There will be a picnic in September
- There is a VE session scheduled for Field Day weekend in Pagosa.
Please see the link below for more information in the meeting minutes.
Our next meeting will be June 14th. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there!
TARC Meeting Minutes for April 12, 2018
Totah Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2018
Club Officers
President Dave K5AVO
Vice President Bill KK5ZH
Secretary Don KJ5GQ
Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ
Ryan KG5RGN 3yrs remaining
Paul NM5PH 2yrs remaining
Paul KE5FBN 1yrs remaining
NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS May 10, 2018 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)
Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).
The meeting was called to order by Dave K5AVO, at 19:30.
Note: minutes were taken by Donnie KJ5GQ in the secretary’s absence.
There were 10 attendees.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ . March 2018 Beginning Balance $3219.45, Income Dues $45. , Interest $0.03, Expense $140.00 Ending Balance $3124,48, Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Paul NM5PH, Seconded by Bill KK5ZH, Motion Passed.
Secretary’s Report
Motion made by Bobbie N5XDQ to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Bill KK5ZH, Motion Passed.
We had some people we had not seen in a while so we had introductions.
Old Business
Scott KG5VBX accepted the Secretary’s position.
Post office rent was paid.
Next VE Test will be April 21, 2018 in Durango. See the TARC website for details and how to register.Both Groups have have asked that if some of our VE’s, particularly Extra Licensed could assist it would be helpful. When Durango gives the class they usually have a large number candidates and having more VE to grade the test greatly speeds up the process.
Sterg WA5K and Lee KE5KDP, Doug KE0ABS have volunteered and Floyd W5OXK is a maybe to assist the VE for testing.
The one Summer one is planed for June 23 by Pagosa Springs group. It was noted that this is also Field Day Weekend.
The notice for the Corporation renewal arrived in the mail we had approve the expense last month and it will be taken care of.
New Business
Tail gate in Albuquerque April 28, 2018, it is the one at the “old gas station”
Our Spring Highway Clean up is scheduled for May 5, 2018. If you missed it in the minutes last month Lee KE5KDP is our new coordinator for highway cleanup.
We meet at the La Plata Gas station around 9am after Saturday Breakfast. Our mile is just a little bit north of there and end just about the turn off to the waste transfer station, there are signs on both ends.
Field Day is June 23/24 weekend stay tuned for more details.
San Juan County EMCOMM group will be setting up at Aztec’s Riverside park.
A discussion was held about publishing a Club roster and sending it to the members. It was discussed if it should have names, address, and phone numbers on it. During the discussion it was pointed out as a license Ham our information is public on the FCC website, so why not. It was also discussed that this would not be the current minutes mailing list as it has not be updated to members only but goes to who ever has been on the list unless Don KJ5GQ was asked to remove the name or he learned the person had died. Don KJ5GQ motioned to publish a roster and send to Club Members only by email with Name, Address, and Phone numbers, seconded by Paul NM5PH, motion passed.
Motion to adjourn made by Bill KK5ZH seconded by Ryan KG5RGN. Passed 19:55
I put this in here just to keep it from falling through the cracks as it was not discussed again this meeting
Ben McGaha KB5ITS gave a presentation on having a get together with the other groups of Hams in Durango and Pagosa Springs. Hold a Meet and Greet, bring things for a Show and Tell for new hams to see, touch, feel, and learn about. Promote Field Day for this year, Have food and possibly a Fox Hunt class, or an actual Fox Hunt. Basically a chance for all Hams in the area to meet and get to know more about each other and new Hams to get involved more readily.
A tentative Date of June 2, 2018 is being suggested.
Join us for an informal breakfast gathering at Los Hermanitos Restaurant East in the Middle Fork Square on East Main St. at 7:30 am on Saturdays. Anyone interested in Ham Radio is welcome to come eat, chat and get to know us.
The repeater below will be down as it is transfer to a different location as Doug moves to AZ.
A group of us HAMs that are interested in putting up a repeater met and officially formed an organization to do so, we are now the Totah Amateur Radio Repeater Association (TARPA)
The first repeater will use 147.18 +600 and a 100HZ tone. It had been in service for a while but we are moving it to a new location, when we get it relocated and back to work we will announce that is back in service and you will be more than welcome to try it out if you can hit it. The long term goal is to get a few more in service.
TARC Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2018
Totah Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2018
Club Officers
President Dave K5AVO
Vice President Bill KK5ZH
Secretary Don KJ5GQ
Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ
Ryan KG5RGN 3yrs remaining
Paul NM5PH 2yrs remaining
Paul KE5FBN 1yrs remaining
NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS April 12, 2018 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)
Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).
The meeting was called to order by Bill KK5ZH, at 19:30.
Note: minutes were taken by Donnie KJ5GQ in the secretary’s absence.
There were 17 attendees.
Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ . February 2018 Beginning Balance $3189.43, Income Dues $30.00, Interest $0.02, Expense $0.00 Ending Balance $3219.45, Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Paul NM5PH, Seconded by Bill KK5ZH, Motion Passed.
Secretary’s Report
Motion made by Bill KK5ZH to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Bobbie N5XDQ, Motion Passed.
Old Business
With Doug and Betty leaving the club needs a new volunteer to coordinate the clean up of our Highway Mile. After some discussion about the job Lee KE5MDP volunteered to become the coordinator. So lets give Lee the same or better support that we gave Betty, and OUR many thanks to Betty for doing it all this time.
Constitution and By Laws up date review. Paul NM5PH said he had read through them and said they were in mostly good shape, maybe a few item would need updating and would have a better idea of what next meeting.
New Business
This was Doug and Betty’s last meeting and we thank them for all the hard they have done for the club and for all the friendship that have passed to everyone in the club. We moved on before we were all crying having to say good bye.
With Devin leaving the area we lost our Secretary and need a new one. Bobbie N5XDQ nominated Scott KG5VBX to be the new Secretary Scott accepted the nomination, no other nominations were made. A vote was ask for and Scott KG5VBX is now the official TARC Secretary. (Don KJ5GQ will help Scott get settled in)
Post Office Box Rental is due again, it is $140.00 Motion made by Paul NM5PH to have the Treasurer pay the Rental fee of $140.00 Seconded by Bill KK5ZH motion Passed
Our renew of the Corporation Permit will expire at the end of May. A motion to have the club Secretary carry out the necessary paper work (online) and pay the yearly fee and be reimbursed for the fee was made by Paul NM5PH, Seconded Bill KK5ZH, motion Passed. (Don KJ5GQ will assist Scott KG5VBX with how to do this)
A discussion about the up coming Ham VE Test Sessions was held. Don KJ5GQ has taken over the coordinators position for our group from Doug NQ5G and talked about the next couple sessions coming up.
Durango Group will hold a VE Test Session on April 21, 2018. It will be a Tech Class beginning in the morning and the Test Session to follow around 3-3:30pm.
The Pagosa Springs Group will be conducting a VE Test Session on June 23, 2018 More Detail to come.
It was pointed out that this date conflicts with this years Field Day as well.
Both Groups have have asked that if some of our VE’s, particularly Extra Licensed could assist it would be helpful. When Durango gives the class they usually have a large number candidates and having more VE to grade the test greatly speeds up the process.
Don KJ5GQ ask for an assistant as He will be traveling a lot this summer and Lee KE5MDP said he would help out Don.
MORE DETAILS are available on the web site. It is also being posted on the Durango Club web site but I do not the name as of this writing.
Motion to adjourn made by Paul NM5PH, seconded by Bill KK5ZH. Passed 19:55
Ben McGaha KB5ITS gave a presentation on having a get together with the other groups of Hams in Durango and Pagosa Springs. Hold a Meet and Greet, bring things for a Show and Tell for new hams to see, touch, feel, and learn about. Promote Field Day for this year, Have food and possibly a Fox Hunt class, or an actual Fox Hunt. Basically a chance for all Hams in the area to meet and get to know more about each other and new Hams to get involved more readily.
A tentative Date of June 2, 2018 is being suggested.
Join us for an informal breakfast gathering at Los Hermanitos Restaurant East in the Middle Fork Square on East Main St. at 7:30 am on Saturdays. Anyone interested in Ham Radio is welcome to come eat, chat and get to know us.
The repeater below will be down as it is transfer to a different location as Doug moves to AZ.
A group of us HAMs that are interested in putting up a repeater met and officially formed an organization to do so, we are now the Totah Amateur Radio Repeater Association (TARPA)
The first repeater will use 147.18 +600 and a 100HZ tone. It had been in service for a while but we are moving it to a new location, when we get it relocated and back to work we will announce that is back in service and you will be more than welcome to try it out if you can hit it. The long term goal is to get a few more in service.
TARC meeting Minutes for February 8, 2018
Totah Amateur Radio Club
February 8, 2018
Club Officers
President- Dave K5AVO
Vice President- Bill KK5ZH
Secretary- Devin KD5NMX
Treasurer- Bobbie N5XDQ
Paul KE5FBN-Term ending Dec. 2018
Paull NM5PH-Term ending Dec. 2019
Ryan KG5RGN-Term ending Dec. 2020
Meeting Minutes
I. Totah Amateur Radio Club Meeting for February was called to order by Dave K5AVO, at 19:30.
There were 12 in attendance.
II. Reports:
a.Treasurer’s Report
Bobbie N5XDQ reports as follows:
Beginning balance $2,949.41
Expenses paid $00.00
Interest accrued $00.02
Income $240.00 (16 dues paid)
Ending balance $3,189.43.
Paull NM5PH moved to accept the report, seconded by Bill KK5ZH. Motion approved unanimously in a vote of acclimation.
b. Secretary’s Report
Minutes for January posted to and emailed to members.
Don KJ5GQ moved to accept January’s Minutes as posted, seconded by Doug NQ5G. Motion approved unanimously in a vote of acclimation.
III. Old Business
a. January Test session- Doug NQ5G reports good session. 2 extras, 4 generals, 5 techs, all tested AND passed!
b. Term expiration for trustees was confirmed, updated at top of this page.
c. Doug NQ5G’s net on Friday is still available for new net controller.
IV. New Business
a.New Road Cleanup Coordinator- Need someone to organize the cleanup of the TARC stretch of road, twice a year. Accepting volunteers.
b. Constitution and bylaws updates- Time for a review. Current constitution and bylaws will be attached to meeting minutes to be reviewed for any changes needed. Present possible changes to trustees.
c. Upcoming ham license testing dates–Durango April 24, Pagosa possibly June, TARC fall.
IV. Adjournment- Bill KK5ZH moved for adjournment, seconded by Lee KE5MDP at 19:55.
- Betty KB5RUA has a club vest up for grabs.
- Join us for an informal breakfast gathering at Los Hermanitos Restaurant East in the Middle Fork Square on East Main St. at 7:30 am on Saturdays. Anyone interested in Ham Radio is welcome!
- The Totah Amateur Radio Repeater Association (TARPA) is in the process of setting up a repeater. Currently the repeater is not in operation and looking for a new home.
- NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS March 8, 2018 at Fire Station #6 at 19:30 (7:30pm) on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of West Main Street.
Minutes faithfully submitted by Devin KD5NMX, Secretary, Totah Amateur Radio Club.