TARC Meeting Minutes for April 11, 2019

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2019

Club Officers

President Donnie KJ5GQ

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott KG5VBX

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Dave K5AVO 2yrs remaining

Paull NM5PH 1yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 3yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS May 9, 2019 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Bill KK5ZH, at 19:30.

There were 6 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

March, 2019

Beginning Balance $3294.76


Interest $ 0.03


Deposit for Park $ 20.00

US Post Box Rent $154.00

Ending Balance $3120.79

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Paull NM5PH, Seconded by Tom K9TMM, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

Motion made by Tom K9TMM to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Paul KE5FBN, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

  • Park  Donnie has reserved the park for our picnic scheduled for Sept 7th at Upper Rio Vista Park
  • Pagosa Testing – The testing in Pagosa was successful and there are some new hams in the area!

New Business

  • Meeting Notices – Scott will send out notice Tuesday about the meeting to make it easier to not forget.
  • Tuesday Net Call  We will need someone to call net Tuesday evenings starting
  • SK list for QST – Scott ask Alden about SK List
  • Club Roster – Scott will send out a current list of club members


Motion to Adjourn made by Paull NM5PH and seconded by Paul KE5FBN and meeting was adjourned.

TARC Meeting Minutes for March 14, 2019

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2019

Club Officers

President- Don KJ5GQ

Vice President- Bill KK5ZH

Secretary- Scott KG5VBX

Treasurer- Bobbie N5XDQ


Paull NM5PH-Term ending Dec. 2019

Dave K5AVO-Term ending Dec. 2020

Paul KE5FBN-Term ending Dec. 2021

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS April 11, 2018 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Don KJ5GQ, at 19:30.

There were 11 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

February, 2019

Beginning Balance $3174.74


Dues $ 120.00

Interest $.02


Ending Balance $3294.76

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Dave K5AVO, Seconded by Bill KK5ZH, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

Motion made by Bill KK5ZH to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Bobbie N5XDQ, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

  • Road Apple Rally – Bobbie is stepping down from managing our participation in the Road Apple Rally. Bobbie is willing to help the next person. Our club provides a usual compliment of 8-9 volunteers. Although cellphones are being used to do the communicating we used to do the Road Apple Rally could use some help from us for non-radio reasons as general volunteers. Some of our positions do need people there. Devon KD5NMX, Volunteered to take over for Bobbie
    • 1st Saturday in October… 5th of October. Any volunteers are welcome and should contact Devin KD5NMX.
  • Picnic – There is a picnic scheduled for Sept 7th at Upper Rio Vista Park. Map will be posted.

New Business

  • Testing – New VE test date. April 13th at Pagosa Bible Church. Check with Doug Roberts or on our website for more information.
  • Highway Cleanup – Dave has stepped down and we need a volunteer. April 13th is the currently scheduled date. Scott Volunteered. If anyone is available to volunteer for the road cleanup then please contact Scott KG5VBX at kg5vbx@arrl.net.
  • Have to pay the post office – Bill due 3/21/19 Motion to pay bill made by Paul KE5FBN, and seconded by Bill KK5ZH, Motion passed.

Motion to Adjourn made by Paull NM5PH and Seconded by bill KK5ZH. Motion Passed and the meeting was Adjourned @ 7:59pm

TARC Meeting Minutes for February 14th 2019

Click here for the PDF version

Totah February Meeting Minutes.

Call meeting to order

Introductions of members and visitors if any one new there:: 11 people present.

Treasure’s report: Bobbie read the report, Motion to approve Tom N0MKC, 2nd Paul NM5PH

Secretary report : no minutes form last meeting.

Old business

Ham test issue with date in June with the meeting room and my schedule. Bobbie got us June 8th but I can not do June 8th I will be out of town so we need another place or someone else will have to run the testing.:: We will not do the spring test session between my schedule and the Center’s schedule it does not work out, Will still plan the November 16th test session.

License Trustee change went through. It is in under may name. Received the written conformation. Expiration Date of 09/11/2025

Voted on new memberships. Motion to accept new members made by Paul NM5PH, Seconded by Tom N0MKC New Members Mike Harvey Jr KG5WYK, Kasie Harvey, KG5ZNQ, Talon Harvey, KG5WYJ, Tom Adair, KG7KQP


New business

September picnic/meeting need to reserve park Fee. Motion to reserve Rio Vista Upper park for September park for Sept 7 and reimburse for Don for Fee Made by Stergie WA5K, Seconded by Bobbie N5XDQ

Website, pet peve of mine why have one if it is not kept up. I do not have passwords to help out. I will get with Scott.

Paul NM5PH Presented and Read the Financial Audit on behalf of the club Trustees.

No Issue found Motion to accept the financial Audit made by Mike Jr KG5WYK, seconded by Stergie WA5K. Congratulations to Bobbie for another year of excellent record keeping.

Bobbie brought up if we want to continue to support the Road Apple Rally as a club, She is stepping down as organizer. Some discussion was held and will be brought up at the next meeting to determine if we are going to continue or not. If we do decide to continue we will need a someone to step up and take over coordinator.

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Paul NM5PH, Seconded by Stergie WA5K.

Meeting Adjourned.

TARC Meeting Minutes for January 16th 2019

Click here for a PDF version

Totah Amateur Radio Club

January 10, 2019

Club Officers

President- Don KJ5GQ

Vice President- Bill KK5ZH

Secretary- Scott KG5VBX

Treasurer- Bobbie N5XDQ


Paull NM5PH-Term ending Dec. 2019

Dave K5AVO-Term ending Dec. 2020

Paul KE5FBN-Term ending Dec. 2021

Meeting Minutes

  1. Totah Amateur Radio Club Meeting for February was called to order by Don KJ5GQ, at 19:32.

There were 16 in attendance.

  1. Reports:
    1. Treasurer’s Report

Bobbie N5XDQ reports as follows:

Beginning balance $2,834.69

Expenses paid $00.00

Interest accrued $00.02

Income $00.00

Ending balance $2,834.71

Bill KK5ZH moved to accept the report, seconded by Dave K5AVO. Motion approved unanimously in a vote of acclimation.

  1. Secretary’s Report

Minutes for December posted to TotahARC.org and emailed to members.

Paull NM5PH notes that the club’s call sign is K5WXI, and should be noted in minutes in the discussion of club license trustee transfer.

Paull NM5PH moved to accept December’s Minutes as amended, seconded by KK5ZH. Motion approved unanimously in a vote of acclimation.

  1. Old Business
    1. Form to transfer trustee on club license from Doug NQ5G to Don KJ5GQ has been filled out and will be filed.
  2. New Business
    1. Highway cleanup for spring. Historically it has been March 10, suggested moving to after March 22. Dave K5AVO volunteered to organize trash cleanup, taking over for Don KJ5GQ. April 13 suggested as a date.
    2. Ham testing- DARC plans to test March 30, July 23 and Sep 14. Tentatively Don KJ5GQ plans to test in Farmington, June 1 and November 16. Bobbie N5XDQwill check on availability of Sycamore Park Community center for test.
    3. Membership email list- Do we want to keep folks that aren’t members on the email list? Discussion consensus is to only send minutes to active club members, and the big list can be used for other club activities.
    4. Ryan KG5RGN tenders resignation as trustee. Dave K5AVO self nominates to replace as trustee. Dave K5AVO is accepted as trustee unanimously in vote of acclimation. Dave replaces Ryan, term still ends at the end of 2020.
    5. Normal yearly audit by trustees was not completed at brunch potluck, will be completed tonight and presented at next meeting.
    6. Bill KK5ZH commends Don and Sarah on a great potluck brunch, fun was had by all.
    7. Kasie KG5ZNQ, Talon KG5WYJ and Mike Jr. KG5WYK are presented as prospective members. Their membership will be voted on at the next meeting.
  1. Adjournment- Dave K5AVO moved for adjournment, seconded by Bill KK5ZH at 20:00.


  • Don KJ5GQ has tables he is trying to get rid of. See him for info.
  • January 26 there will be a tailgate in Albuquerque, worth googling if you are interested.
  • Join us for an informal breakfast gathering at Los Hermanitos Restaurant East in the Middle Fork Square on East Main St. at 7:30 am on Saturdays. Anyone interested in Ham Radio is welcome!
  • The Totah Amateur Radio Repeater Association (TARPA) is in the process of setting up a repeater. Currently the repeater is not in operation and looking for a new home.
  • NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS February 14, 2019 at Fire Station #6 at 19:30 (7:30pm) on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of West Main Street.

Minutes faithfully submitted by Devin KD5NMX.

TARC Meeting Minutes for December 13th 2018

I hope that everyone had a great holiday season! Our next meeting is this Thursday. We’ll hope to see many of you there! The meeting minutes from last time are both attached in PDF and pasted below.

We will also be voting on 3 new applicants for club membership. The new applicant are Kasie KG5ZNQ, Mike KG5WYK, and Talon KG5WYJ.

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2018

Club Officers

President Donnie KJ5GQ

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott KG5VBX

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Ryan KG5RGN 2yrs remaining

Paull NM5PH 1yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 3yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS January 10, 2018 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Dave K5AVO, at 19:30.

There were 13 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

November, 2018

Beginning Balance $3154.66


Interest $0.03


Insurance $ 320

Ending Balance $2834.69

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Bill, Seconded by Paull, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

Motion made by Devon to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Tom, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

  • New Years brunch Jan 5th at 9-ish, bring something to share, Don will make sure that there is coffee there.
  • Insurance was paid
  • Testing Will happen in Durango in March, we will no longer be coordinating with them, and if there is interest we can set up a test session. We might possibly do one in February. Don will research what will work for us and the other hams in the area.

New Business

  • Club officers:
    • President – The position was open. Donie KJ5GQ volunteered and was elected.
    • Vice President – Bill KK5ZH has been VP for years, and was so great at it that he was elected once again.
    • Secretary – Scott KG5VBX was elected to remain Secretary
    • Treasurer – Bobbi N5XDQ has been treasurer for years, was nominated and voted in
    • Trustees – Paul KE5FBN was renominated for the trustee position again and was voted in as long as he accepts the position. The trustee of record is not known at the moment, was Doug NQ5G.
  • Dues We are $114 down from last year. 25 are on the roster down from 35 last year. Bobbi said we might increase dues to keep a balance. We pay for mailbox, insurance, website, corporation dues. The secretary needs to ask about paying website fee.
  • DuesIncrease Bill motioned to increase dues to $20. Donnie seconded the motion and the motion was passed to increase dues to $20.
  • Club Callsign The club callsign is still under Doug NQ5G, now will be under Donnie KJ5GQ

Motion to adjourn was made by Bill KK5ZH and was seconded by Devon KD5NMX. Motion passed.

TARC Meeting Minutes for November 8th 2018

Good evening everyone!

It’s that time already. Meeting time club officer election time as well. Our next meeting is this Thursday. We’ll hope to see many of you there! The meeting minutes from last time are both attached in PDF format and pasted below.

Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2018

Club Officers

President Dave K5AVO

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott KG5VBX

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Ryan KG5RGN 3yrs remaining

Paul NM5PH 2yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS December 13, 2018 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Dave K5AVO, at 19:30.

There were 9 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

October, 2018

Beginning Balance $3154.64


Interest $0.02

Ending Balance $3154.66

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Bill Seconded by Paull, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

Motion made by Dave to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Bill, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

  • Road Cleanup 10 bags were collected. Thanks for all those who helped out!
  • Subject 1 – Devin is back in town, welcome back!
  • Christmas Party Dave is unable to host. Anyone who is able is welcome to take that over. We might cancel, but Devin might offer to host if he can. He will check on that and the date.
  • Road Apple Rally Went Well without problems. Paull stated that we had no function being at the event. The event staff already knew all information before we relayed. The event staff had county radios and cell phones. The county had a dispatcher in the command center. We used to do many events, but since cellphones have become popular we are doing fewer.

New Business

  • New years brunch Jan 5th at the Walkers’
  • Election of Officers Dave will not be volunteering to be president and Bobbie is offering her job to anyone who wants it. Voting.
  • We would like to encourage our new members to vote and/or volunteer for offices.
  • Insurance Insurance needed to be paid. Devon motioned to pay it and Donnie Seconded. The motion passed.
  • Testing – We don’t know when the next testing session and Donnie hasn’t been able to get a hold of the club in Durango December 8th 1pm in Durango @ Christ the King Lutheran Church.

Motion to adjourn made by Bill and seconded by Devin, motion passed at 7:59pm

Fall 2018 Highway Cleanup

The fall 2018 Highway cleanup was a success. We collected 10 bags and got our small stretch of highway back into shape. Thanks to all those who were involved!

TARC Meeting Minutes for October 11th, 2018

Last month’s meeting was a bit sparse and informal compared to what our meetings normally are, but it was still productive. Sorry for posting the minutes later than normal.

Don’t forget to join us on November the 8th for our next meeting!

Click here for the PDF, or simply read the plain text below:


Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2018

Club Officers

President Dave K5AVO

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott KG5VBX

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Ryan KG5RGN 3yrs remaining

Paul NM5PH 2yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS November 8, 2018 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

In the absence of both the president and vice president The meeting was held in an informal manor at 19:30.

There were 7 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.

September, 2018

Beginning Balance $ 3154.58


August Interest $ .03

September Interest $ .03

Ending Balance $ 3154.64

A corrected Treasurer’s report for August was also presented by Bobbie N5XDQ and reads as follows:

August, 2018

Beginning Balance $ 3174.58


Reimburse Dave

Jordan for park


Ending Balance $ 3154.58

New Business:

  • Testing Donnie will find out about testing so that we cn determine the next time and place which would be good.
  • Highway Pickup The Highway pickup will be on the 27th at about 9am after breakfast.
  • Pot Luck There will be a pot luck at 9am on January 5th.
  • Election Election of club officers will be held during the December meeting.

TARC Meeting Minutes for September 8th, 2018

The last meeting and tailgate were fun. The minutes are below in both plain text and PDF format.

Anyone wanting to help with the Road Apple Rally this year please contact Bobbi, N5XDQ.

Don’t forget to meet us on September 8th for our next meeting!

Click here for the PDF version of the minutes


Totah Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes

September 8th, 2018

Club Officers

President Dave K5AVO

Vice President Bill KK5ZH

Secretary Scott KG5VBX

Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ


Ryan KG5RGN 3yrs remaining

Paul NM5PH 2yrs remaining

Paul KE5FBN 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS October 11th, 2018 At Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64)

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Dave K5AVO, at 10:30.

There were 11 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was created by Bobbie N5XDQ and read by Scott KG5VBX.

August, 2018

Beginning Balance $3179.58


Interest $??? (No bank statement was available before meeting)


Dave Jordan (Reservation for park) $ 20

Ending Balance (Approximate) ~$3159.58

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Don KJ5GQ Seconded by Bill KK5ZH, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

Motion made by Darryl KE0PX to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Sturge WA5K, Motion Passed.

3 New members Casey Spigner, Bobby Spigner, and Alan Moraza (All without callsigns as of yet) were voted into the club unanimously. A welcome email will be sent so that they know.

Old Business:

  • Road Apple Rally Since we have Lost Doug and Betty, we need any volunteers we can get If you are able and willing to volunteer then please get in touch with Bobbi by October 6th.
  • Duke City Hamfest The Duke city Hamfest will be 21st-23rd at the Isletta Casino.

New Business

  • New Years Get Together A date will be discussed soon. Sarah KD5SPX and Don KG5GQ were gracious enough to volunteer to host the event.
  • Christmas Get Together A date will be discussed soon for a Christmas Get Together at Northside Church of Christ.

A motion to adjourn was made at 10:54 by Bill KK5ZH, and seconded by Paul KE5FBN

TARC Meeting Minutes for August 9th, 2018

The last meeting was productive and the minutes are below in both plain text and PDF format. Don’t forget to meet us on Saturday September the 8th for a fun tailgate picnic and meeting!

Click here for the PDF version of the minutes


Totah Amateur Radio Club
Meeting Minutes
August 9th, 2018

Club Officers
President Dave K5AVO
Vice President Bill KK5ZH
Secretary Scott KG5VBX
Treasurer Bobbie N5XDQ

Ryan KG5RGN 3yrs remaining
Paul NM5PH 2yrs remaining
Paul KE5FBN 1yrs remaining

NEXT MEETING OF THE TARC IS at the tailgate picnic on September 8th, 2018. The tailgate will be located at Upper Rio Vista Park just off of Huntzinger Ave in Farmington. Please see https://www.totaharc.org for a map.

Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm of most months at the Farmington Fire Station #6 on the west end of Farmington NM on the South side of Main Street (US 64).

The meeting was called to order by Dave K5AVO, at 19:30.

There were 13 attendees.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report for was read by Bobbie N5XDQ.
July, 2018
Beginning Balance $3159.56
Dues $15.00
Interest $00.02

Ending Balance $3174.58

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report made by Bill KK5ZH, Seconded by Paul KE5FBN, Motion Passed.

Secretary’s Report

The secretary posted the minutes on the website, but still needs to email them out. Motion made by Bobbie N5XDQ to accept the minutes as posted, Seconded by Tom Harper N0MKC, Motion Passed.

Old Business:

    • Tailgate in Albuquerque – There will be a tailgate in Albuquerque. Come early


    • Tailgate in Farmington – Bring food to share and stuff to sell! Our tailgate is being planned for September 8th, which is the Saturday after Labor Day weekend, at Upper Rio Vista Park. Dave has made a reservation for 10am – 2pm – Our September club meeting should be at that time and place as well. A map will be posted on our website.


    • Park reservation – In order to reserve the park for our tailgate $20 for Dave K5AVO paid $20. A motion to reimburse the $20 was made by Bobbie N5XDQ and seconded by Bill KK5ZH and passed.


    • Duke City Ham Fest – The Duke City Ham Fest will be September 21st to 23rd at Isleta Casino


    • There will be hams there from four states.


    • Some folks from Durango will be staying at the same place as last year.


    • Reservations can be made at the casino.


    • VE Testing – We will do another test next month – There will be more information on this soon.


    Road apple Rally – The Road Apple Rally will be held on the 1st Saturday in October – we will be stationed on the route in the glade and use the local area repeaters. This event usually goes from about 7am to about 12pm at the latest.

New Business

    • New applications – There are 3 new applications (Bobby Spigner, Alan Moraza, Casey Spigner) and we will vote on them next month.


    Highway Cleanup – Lee will be leaving and we will need someone to take over the hwy cleanup. The next cleanup should be somewhere near the time change, possibly mid-October. We will Pick a weekend next month to pick up trash. Trying to call the state is hard. Lee, last time, mailed the report to them.

A motion to adjourn was made by Bill KK5ZH and seconded by Ryan KG5RGN and passed.